Total Items: 2453
Tsvishn undz beydn iz a taykh a groyser
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 17; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 16. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Sheyn bin ikh a mol geven
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 16; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 15. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Oy, kum nor aher, mayn tayer zis-lebn
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 15; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 14. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Ikh volt lib gehat mit dir tsu redn
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 14; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 13. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Mayn harts mayn harts veynt in mir
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 13; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 12. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Oy avu bistu geven?
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 12; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 11. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Gey ikh mir shpatsirn
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 11; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 10. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]]
Mamenyu, lyubenyu, kroynele, hartsele
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 10; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 9. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Oyfn oyvn zitst a meydl
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 9; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 8. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]]
Vi a sheyne blum
[In tape log inside tape box, this is number 8; in black hardbound catalog with running item numbers, this is number 7. Item number matches hardbound catalog, but song number does not.]
Total Items: 2453