Total Items: 2453
Vos tut dos meydl in vald aleyn?
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression.The noises…
Gekent hob ikh a shnayderl-meydele
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Her tsi got mayn geshrey
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Oy, vi-zhe vestu forn, Shmerele mayn man?
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Lomir veynen, lomir klogn
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Oy, dray yor vi ikh hob a libe gefirt
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Gelibt hob ikh a sheyn meydele
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Zibn yor tsu vandern
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
A kholem kh’hot zikh mir gekholemt
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Ikh lig oyf mayn geleger
[Typewritten note on tape log inside box:] Note: Nos. 6, 7, and 10, show linguistic contamination. The original Yiddish East European terms may have already been forgotten by the singer, who has substituted more recent forms of expression. The…
Total Items: 2453