YIVO Online Exhibitions

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Tape 52 - Songs of the Underworld (1)

"The folksongs created in and around the environment of the Jewish underworld communicate the sentiments and experiences of its members and their world. Their songs tell us about uncertainties, hazards and risks involved, apprehensions and fears of…
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Habimah's The Dybbuk, on the cover of Our Illustrated Review

The cover of the Polish-Jewish illustrated periodical from March 1926 that featured an image from the third act of S.Y. Ansky'sThe Dybbukas it was performed in Hebrew by Habimah Theater in Warsaw. In 1917, Ansky discussed a first staging of the play…
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Yiddish Theater in Russia before 1919. The Four Who Were Lost: Comic Operetta in 3 Acts by Dr.  Soapbubble, c. 1914 and 1917.

A manuscript of a comic operetta that was staged in Nahum Lipovski's People's Theater before the advent of Independent Poland. The manuscript has several stamps attesting to the permission for its performance granted by the Russian government.…
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Shabtai Tsvi

The historical figure Shabtai Zvi (1826-1876), a spiritual leader who claimed to be the long-awaited Jewish messiah and then. Active throughout the Ottoman Empire, Shabtai Tsvi was eventually arrested and imprisoned by the grand vizier Ahmed Koprulu…
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The Yiddish Film Industry

The first synchronous Yiddish-language talkie was produced in 1929, only 18 months after the first (ever) talkie,The Jazz Singer, which, remarkably, centered on the experiences of a Jewish performer. The interwar period saw the accelerated growth of…
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Membership card to the Professional Yiddish Actors' Union of Poland

This is a membership card of Kalmen Ebel, a performer active in the Yiddish theater in the 1920s. The union was established in 1919, in the wake of the protection of minorities worked into the post-WWI Treaty of Versailles. "It was understood not…

The Sanctification of the Name (Kiddush Hashem), Sholem Asch

In his memoirs, Michał Weichert describes his production of The Sanctification of the Name thus: The Sanctification of the Name played 250 times in Warsaw and, later, countless times in all of Poland's big cities. For the one hundredth performance,…
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