Total Items: 2453
Moyshe Broderzon, 1890-1956
Moshe Broderzon was born in Moscow the grandson of the Hasidic master, Rebbe Itsikl Raskin. When his family was exiled from Moscow, Broderzon settled with his grandfather in Łódź and was brought up going to kheyder and became a bookkeeper. He spent…
Race (Rasa), Jan Fabricius
Rasa by Jan Fabricius belongs to a genre called “Indie dramas,” that was comprised of Dutch-language realist dramas set in colonial Indonesia and the Netherlands between 1900 and 1925. Indie dramas typically dealt with issues that confronted…
World Charity OLA and Willy
Recital of Jewish Folk Songs, accompanied by Medvedeff's Russian Balalaika Players
An-ski and Yiddish Actors
While An-ski had every intention of seeingThe Dybbuk on the boards during his lifetime, history and politics interrupted. During World War I (1914-1919), An-ski spent a significant amount of time collecting funds for the relief effort and…
Total Items: 2453