YIVO Online Exhibitions

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A droshe fun a Nikolayeven soldat

The informant explains in Yiddish that the poem is a A droshe (sermon) fun a Nikolayeven soldat (soldier) kale bazetsn (seating of the bride). In a mixture of Yiddish, Hebrew and Russian? she recites the comical content - the listener (Ruth Rubin)…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/21 A droshe fun a Nikolayeven soldat.mp3

Af roseshonkes

Informant explains in Yiddish, that this was song by Yeshuvinikes that cane to their town at Rosh Hashone. It was very hard for them to speak Yiddish. The spoken poem, is a rhyme is about what happened to them on the road resulting in the whole cart…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/20 Af roseshonkes.mp3

Oy mame, dultshe mame

[Note in typewritten tape log in box:] Rumanian, a folk melody. Informant states in Yiddish the Jews sang according to their soul (neshome). [In between verses, sings a melody/wordless nign popular with 1990s klezmorim perhaps Arye Lesh’s nign]
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/19 Oy mame, dultshe mame.mp3

Yedzhe yankl do rabina

Informant explains in Yiddish that the servant girls used to sing this to console themselves. They were from small towns, living in foreign town, Warsaw.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/18 Yedzhe yankl do rabina.mp3

Usa sida chata bila

Informant explains that Ukrainian is more euphonious a language than Belorussian, which is harsher. He gives short examples of each in song. One of them was heard from a beggar on a train.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/17 Usa sida chata bila.mp3

Yak pashol moy lazar

He heard from an old beggar accompanied by an ancient Slavic string instrument. Words mean “As my Lazarus” went to pray to god, holy lord, merciful redeemer, holy virgin, mother of god, take in my soul as one takes in one’s oxen (i.e. I want to…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/16 Yak pashol moy lazar.mp3

Taletele tzhizhoya

Singer prefaces in English that in White Russia, we (Jews) didn’t sing Belorussian songs, we sang Ukrainian songs because we liked them. Our peasants didn’t speak Ukrainian, they spoke “the ugliest Slavic dialect”, Belorussian. Then sings this…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/15 Taletele tzhizhoya....mp3

Dortn oyf dem barg

Singer states in English that there was a Yiddish translation written by Shaye Rotman (?) from Toronto in then he sings in both Ukrainian and Yiddish.
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/14 Dortn oyf dem barg.mp3

Utshatsa tutshi grozoviye

[Note in typewritten tape log in box:] Included because motif seems to be the same as Nomberg’s ‘S’loyfn un s’yogn shvartse volkn. Copied from old record. Singer states she
heard around 1905 from student from Premetshu.

[Copied from two sides of…
http://exhibitions.yivo.org/songs/Tape 62/13 Utshatsa tutshi grozoviye.mp3
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