Total Items: 2453
Oy, di meydelekh, di fonferonkes
[Note from tape log inside tape box:] At a house party...talking in background.
Oy, Abram, Abram
[Spoken comments in English by informant follow the song. Song mostly in Ukranian, with Russian and Hebrew. Learned from his father who collected folklore & songs. They lived in Horadenka, Galicia.]
Ikh vel zikh farshraybn in der pozharner komande
[Unidentified male helps with lyrics, sings one verse. possibly A. Yudin ?? Note from tape log inside tape box:] Possibly authored by Wolf Younin.
Sonyatshka na balkone stayala
[Unidentified male sings along on choruses. Avrom Yudin ??]
Al tiro avdu yankev
[Note from tape log inside tape box:] Fragmentary. From Allan Warshawsky's tape.
Ish chasid hoyo
[Spoken introduction by informant in Yiddish preceds the song, explaining that this is a song in Yiddish and Hebrew. More Yiddish comments follow the song.]
Total Items: 2453