Total Items: 2453
A Perfect Fit!
President Coolidge looks at a woman (representing American industry) squeezed into a suit marked “3 percent immigration” and says, “That really looks good on you. I should have such luck at the ballot box.” Referencing a speech Coolidge had given the…
She Will Outlive Them!
Imprisoned and shackled with a ball and chain labeled “their 100 percent Americanism,” a woman representing the Declaration of Independence languishes in a cell, as the guards, labeled "Ku Klux Klan," "Jingoism," and "Reaction" say, “Goddammit,…
Theme for a Fable
An American eagle is surrounded by “Reaction,” Henry Ford,” “American lyncher,” and “Ku Klux Klan.” They have stolen its feathers and dressed themselves up in Indian headdresses marked, “democracy,” “humanity,” “freedom,” and “tolerance.” The…
His One Little Light
Surrounded by notes on which are written, “terrible pogroms on Jews in Rumania, attacks on Jews in Lithuania, attacks on Jews in Czechoslovakia, ban on immigration to America, attacks on Jews in Turkey, pogroms in Germany, pogroms in Hungary, and…
Watch Your Step!
Dancing at the edge of a cliff with the “anti-immigration spirit,” Uncle Sam is told, “Watch it, uncle, this witch is going to drag you to the bottom!”
Their Best Friend
A woman labeled “Jingoism” sprays oil from a can marked “Ban on Japanese immigration” on the fires of “Race hatred” while “the two partners, War and the Steel Industry,” tell her, “You are our best friend, Madame. You have a long view of the future.”
Evil-doer, Why Do You Beat Your Brother?
Captioned “An old Egyptian street scene replayed in Congress in Washington,” a woman labeled “Americanism” holds Congressman Rosenblum back from beating a Jewish immigrant with a club marked “Complete cessation of immigration.” The image references…
The Search for Leaven – The Way It Should Be!
Referencing the first ritual of Passover ,in which the last remaining bread is gathered and burned, Uncle Sam is shown holding the Passover Haggadah and saying the Biyur-khomets, the prayer over the burning of the last bits of bread. Burning in the…
A Gallant Gentleman
The Statue of Liberty shakes the hand of a New York Congressman, one of many who protested the anti-immigration bill. She says, “Merci, Monsieur, for protecting me, a lonely, slandered woman, against my attackers and torturers.”
The Choice is His
An executioner representing the Republican-controlled Congress awaits as a woman representing the potential for a Republican victory in 1924 leads Representative Johnson’s anti-immigration bill to him. She says, “One or the other – either me or him!…
Total Items: 2453