- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
O kum shoyn shtiler ovnt
[a fragment sung by Ruth Rubin, followed by the Russian version sung by Yehudis Wasilewsky] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation…
Ongelodn mit al dos gits
[from Goldfaden’s “Shulamis”] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk…
Tsi kent ir kinder di brokhes ale?
[Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk and authored) he recalled from…
Di ershte nakht fin peysekh tsim seyder - sung
[track note from YIVO (white tape box) First, Sholem Wasiliewsky recites the poem, then Yehudis Wasiliewsky sings the song. I seem to recall a variant of this, which I collected in Montreal from a certain Mr. Mamelok] [Note from black hardbound…
Di ershte nakht fin peysekh tsim seyder - recitation
[First, Sholem Wasiliewsky recites the poem, then Yehudis Wasiliewsky sings the song. I seem to recall a variant of this, which I collected in Montreal from a certain Mr. Mamelok] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel…
Azoy vi m’hot mikh khasene gemakht (Hot a yid a vaybele)
[Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk and authored) he recalled from…
Di zun iz shoyn fargangen (Der fodem)
[track note from LOC tape Mark Warshawsky’s “Der Fodim”] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many…
Der taykh brent
[Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk and authored) he recalled from…
Khosn-kale mazltov
[Inspired by organ-grinders] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk…
Di zolst nisht hern vos dayn mamenyu vet dikh tsimblen
Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS (folk and authored) he recalled from…
Total Items: 1424