- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
Vey iz tsi di daytshn
[Religious Jews taunting Maskilim] [Note from black hardbound catalog for tape 36:] A talk with Daniel Lipkovitsh, Sholem Wasiliewsky, Yehudis Wasiliewsky (his friends). As the conversation progressed Daniel touched upon many types of YIDDISH SONGS…
Er zol zayn a beyter far zayne khsidim
[note from RG 620 black book Anti-Chassidic song, obviously written by a Maskil]
Volt ikh gehat gilderne fligl
[note from RG 620 black book Chassidic] (first phrase was unfortunately cut off)
Reb Nakhman Bratslev hot geheysn
[note from RG 620 black book Chassidic-modern]
Kayn Kotsk fort men nisht
(Chassidic song which Dr. Stupp learned from a delegate from Mexico, aon the ship returning from the Zionist Congress, held in Italy in 1946)
In droysn geyt a regn
[note from RG 620 black book work song]
Vi s’iz gekimen di heylike teg
[note from LOC tape log similar theme {to track 7, “Of dem beys oylem”, song about a dead mother and her orphaned child}]
Oyf dem beys-oylem
[note from LOC tape log song about a dead mother and her orphaned child]
Min hameytser
[note from RG 620 black book Popular song?]
Total Items: 1424