- Item Type: Audio
- Item Type: Audio
Total Items: 1424
Ven es dremlt dos shtetl di lodns farmakht
[Handwritten note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] from ?
Vi azoy kon ikh lustik zayn?
[Handwritten note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] in Treasury.
Mekhires Yoysef and comments
[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] Purimshpil. Fragments from M’KHIRES YOYSEF, recalled by Anne Kline, from listening to her mother at work, when she was only 5 years old, in Poland. Although she recalls only fragments here and there, her…
Shteyt nor oyf mentshn gants fri
[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] He says his father, who was a badkhn, sang this song.
Veyst ir vos ikh bin?
[Typewritten log inside tape box gives informant’s name as: “Lerer” Zachar.]
Gevald-zhe brider, vos shloft ir?
[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] Allan Warshawsky’s tape
Oy, dayn galitsyen iz arayn der fonye
[Note on typewritten tape log in tape box:] Topical.
Total Items: 1424