Total Items: 2453
Ration card for potato allotments
Ration card for potatoes, valid for March 1917. Three allotments of 5 Polish pounds each.
Ration card for sugar allotments
Ration card for four allotments of sugar, a quarter Polish pound each, for April, May and June 1917.
Kehile election flyer, Poale-tsien (Left Labor Zionists)
Flyer for the Labor Zionist list #5. Addressed to the “worker, craftsman, retailer, working intellectual!” “But the community had an evil majority. An evil clique of various gabbais and small-time representatives (vinkl-forshteyers) occupied it. The…
Letter from Polish authorities to Union of Jewish Merchants regarding licensing
Letter from the Polish authorities - the director of a division -- explaining why a union of Jewish merchants had their application for a certain license rejected: mainly because they always apply at the last minute.
Announcement regarding taxes paid to the Kehile.
An announcement in the name of the city administrator (shtot hoyptman): taxes must be paid by November 20, or else the the city captain will demand it by force with a 5% increase.
Kehile request for support for soup kitchen
The Bialystok soup kitchen has re-opened, with a budget of 7000 zlotys a month. But the city only gives 1000 a month, and that only for 5 months - enough for 100-150 lunches a day.
Kehile election flyer, Zionist party
Reminder to vote for Slate 6, Zionist party in Kehile elections.
Flyer for the organization “Democratic youth”
Flyer for the organization “Democratic youth” (youth union) list #12.
Flyer for the Jewish Socialist Workers’ Party
Flyer for the Jewish Socialist Workers’ Party (s”s) list #2. “The Zionist list has urged the workers to vote for them, saying that they are running workers, weavers, and the workers will defend the interest of the workers together with the Zionists.…
Kehile elections flyer, Shlomei das ve'emune
Flyer for list #3. Calls for creating a central committee of all synagogues, whose representatives will be elected from each synagogue and be in constant contact with the representatives of the community.
Total Items: 2453