YIVO Online Exhibitions

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Kehile elections flyer, Orthodox party

Flyer for the Orthodox Religious Block list #3.
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Orthodox party flyer.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Merchant party

To all merchants, store-keepers and industralists!” Flyer for list #21. For community elections on November 30. Candidates will fight for: rational putting together an carrying out of the budget. Fair and even division of the budget. Satisfying all…
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Merchant party flyer.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Landlord party

Flyer for the owners’ (balebatim) list #13. Apparently, property owners (as opposed to renters). To owners of khanaykes [?], pyaskes [?], Argentina [!]. Opposed to a second party of so-called “balebatim.”
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Landlord party flyer.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Landlord party

Flyer for the Landlords (balebatim) list #13. Opposed to a second party of so-called “balebatim.”
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Landlord party.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Jewish Democratic Party

Flyer for the Jewish Democratic Party, list #11.
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Jewish Democratic Party flyer.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Hasidic party

Flyer for the Hasidic list #8. “If you want Hasidim, you’ll find them in No. 8.”
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Hasidic party flyer.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Craftsmen's (Hantverker) Union

Flyer for the craftsmen, list #14. Nobody can represent the Jewish craftsmen except themselves - “because the Jewish craftsmen are apolitical.” It appears that these craftsmen were formerly allied with another list, but then went their own way.
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Hantverker flyer.JPG

Kehile election flyer, Folkspartey

Flyer for the Folkspertey, list #4. “For the lists 2, 5 and 7 vote the Jewish workers. / For the lists 3, 6, and 11 vote the fanatics and big capitalists. / For whom should the broad Jewish folk masses vote?”
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections folkspartey.JPG

Kehile elections flyer, Clerks party

Flyer for the clerks’ party, slate #15.
RG 28 F 15 Kehile elections Clerks party flyer.JPG
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