Shaul Goldman
Educator, Labor Leader, Bundist, Bialystoker

Sejm election flyer for the General Jewish National Block, list #33

RG 28 F 16 Sejm election flyer slate 33 merchants.JPG


Sejm election flyer for the General Jewish National Block, list #33




Sejm election flyer for the General Jewish National Block, list #33


Flyer for the General Jewish National Block, list #33. “Never has the election campaign on the Jewish street been as bitter as now, never has one single party had the impudence to impose its will on the entire Jewish community like now, even more, what is being done and carried out now the name of the Zionist organization in Poland is a scandalous attack on the will and opinion of the great majority of Zionists themselves.” “When one needs our votes, one comes down to Bialystok, but as soon as one sits in the chair, one forgets even in what country Bialystok is located, and that’s called a Bialystok representative.” “March 4th is the Day of Judgment for those who have till now regarded us as provincial yokels (oylem-goylem) who will run to vote for the one they are told to -- an ugly, bitter mistake! [Slate] ‘18th’in Bialystok is played out, it has absolutely nothing to do here, no sensible person who has any self-respect will vote for an eternal candidate who is imposed on us and who comes to us only once in five years in order for us to choose him. All of Jewish Bialystok is voting for the beloved, popular representative, for the lion of the Jewish merchant class in Poland, VATSLAV VISHLITSKI.”


RG 28 F 16 Sejm election flyer slate 33 merchants




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“Sejm election flyer for the General Jewish National Block, list #33,” YIVO Online Exhibitions, accessed March 10, 2025,
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